One thousand youth and young adults (under age 35) from 37 nations convened at the World Youth Prayer Assembly, July 26–29, in Seoul, Korea, to pray and seek God in corporate worship. The gathering, called UPRISING (United Prayer Rising), targeted an emerging generation of young people who represent a digital, globally connected generation that is radical about being catalysts for Christ’s Kingdom.
Following the World Prayer Assembly (WPA) in Jakarta, Indonesia, in 2012, the leaders of the International Prayer Council (IPC) believe that a new wave of prayer and missions movements will be launched by children and youth. UPRISING was organized to help this next generation fulfill their destiny.
In addition to sessions of worship and fervent intercession, the group prayed for six hours in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between the two armies of North and South Korea. “God has always called and used young people to do exploits for Him in both Scripture and history,” says John Robb of the International Prayer Council.