While we raise some money through the sale of memberships and subscriptions to our magazine, Prayer Connect, we are a non-profit ministry that depends on the donations of individuals.
Your tax deductible donation to the CPLN or Prayer Connect will directly help grow a passion for prayer–in churches and individuals!
You can direct your gift either to CPLN, Prayer Connect, Pastors Resource Project, or Love2Pray. Pick the item you wish to support below on the donation form.
The Pastors Resource Project provides a free pack of special resources (City of Prayer, Forgotten Power, Restored Power, and Prayer Connect magazine) to pastors. You can email us at jon@prayerleader.com the names and addresses of pastors you want your donation to fund ($40 per pastor) or your donation will go to pastors we know (especially those of smaller churches who do not have resource budgets). The goal of this project is to help fuel a heart for prayer in pastors who can then lead their churches to become praying churches!
Special Gift
If you choose to give a recurring monthly donation, we offer the following:
Any recurring monthly donation of $10 or more receives a free subscription to Prayer Connect magazine (print version)
Any recurring monthly donation of $50 or more receives a free membership to the Church Prayer Leaders Network