Three Streams Come Together with One Dream

Leaders passionate about seeing transformation in society will meet at a first-ever gathering called a National Conversation on Preparing for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Our Cities, November 19–20, 2014, in Wheaton, IL.

The event brings together leaders from three movements (city-reaching, revival, and prayer) to discuss how to unify efforts to see a national revival and spiritual awakening in the United States.

The event is sponsored by the International Revival Institute, with support and participation from Mission America Coalition, City Impact Roundtable, Awakening Chicagoland, National Pastor’s Prayer Network, and the Chicagoland Transformation Fellowship. Each group is working toward transformation in cities, but this gathering brings the streams together to talk about collaborating efforts.

Rev. Brad Bush, director of the International Revival Institute, explains: “The Lord Jesus Christ has raised up and continues to sustain and expand three distinct but related movements in our country: united and passionate prayer, preparation and expectation for revival, and coordinated efforts for reaching our cities by proclaiming in word and deed the good news of the Kingdom of God.”

He adds, “Coincidence? Each of these movements originated from the heart of Christ, are sustained and guided by the Holy Spirit and led by His servants, and strategically placed in cities, communities, and regions across our land. Together, we believe these streams may comprise His preparation for the coming next Great Awakening.”

“An anticipated, prayed-for outpouring of the Spirit of Christ that impacts entire communities, cities, and regions is the dream that may become reality from these three streams,” continues Bush. “In light of this possibility, could it be time for these movements to begin to talk to each other, to build consensus on what may be coming, and to collaborate on plans that prepare the way of the Lord?”

The National Conversation will center around this question: If the Lord Jesus Christ were to pour out His Spirit upon a community or region in response to believing prayer, how might these three streams of Kingdom life—city-reachers, revivalists, and intercessors—begin to build trust and collaborate together to help ensure lasting fruit from such a revival for the glory of the Lord? Like various groups of a community working together to prepare for an imminent flood, these ministry streams believe they can take steps to prepare for spiritual transformation of regions as well.

This groundbreaking, two-day gathering will be a roundtable of leaders and representatives of these three streams. They will meet to discern what the Spirit is saying to the Church through the process of interviews, plenary sessions, worship and prayer, Q&A, historical analysis, and sharing contemporary examples of what Christ is doing in communities in preparation for an outpouring of His Spirit.

The expectation is that participants will gain a better understanding of and a higher regard and respect for each stream, and that they will leave with action steps for working together. Time will also be devoted to discerning what further direction is needed and what issues and questions need to be addressed in future National Conversations.

Every participant is considered a plenary speaker in the roundtable setting. Some assigned preparation will be requested. Due to the nature of this initial National Conversation, registration will be limited.

The conveners ask that those who give leadership to any of these three streams prayerfully consider participating in this National Conversation. You may register at

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