Sample Prayers from Pray the Word Books:
Here are discipling tools you can use to Pray the Word:
Pray the Word for Your Church is the newest product in our Pray the Word line. It will stimulate you and your congregation to use Scripture as you pray for God’s purposes and power to be released in your church. More than rote prayers, Pray the Word for Your Church will move the user beyond the actual prayers in the book. This resource also includes a 21-page journal to help you organize the specific Scriptures and prayers you want to pray for ministries and individuals in your own congregation.
Click here to order. (Multiple copy discounts are available.)
Read an exciting first-hand account of what God did in a church that started praying through Pray the Word for Your Church together.
Here is another account of how God is using Pray the Word for Your Church to raise up effective prayer in churches.
Impromptu Prayer Movement Beginning in West Texas
Pray the Word: 31 Prayers That Touch the Heart of God is a booklet with a month of prayers, plus bonus prayers on Putting on the Armor, Praying for Your Community, etc. This is available through your local Christian bookstore or at prayershop.org. Multiple copy discounts are available at prayershop.org.
Pray the Word: 90 Prayers That Touch the Heart of God has three months of dynamic Scripture-based prayers that can open your life to the work of the Holy Spirit. Each pray includes space to journal what God might be saying to you through the prayers. This is available through your local Christian bookstore or at prayershop.org.
Free Downloads
These downloads are all of the 31-Prayer version of Pray the Word. They were developed by the Evangelical Church of Bangkok.
A Pray the Word App for IPhones and IPads is now available for free at the Apple App store. Simply search Pray the Word to find it. Apps for Android Smartphones you will find it faster by searching Praying the Word.