Intercessors gathered in Washington, D.C., prior to the Presidential Inauguration on January 20 to pray and participate in a week-long “Jericho march” around the White House and the U.S. Capitol grounds. Sponsored by Intercessors for America (IFA), the prayerwalk was intended to highlight the transition of power to President Donald Trump and his administration.
“We sit upon a wonderful opportunity that the Lord has given us through this past election season,” says David Kubal, IFA president. “Now we must take advantage of that opportunity by battling in the spiritual realm to attain the victories He has for us. This is not unlike the days of young Israel when the people sought to occupy the land the Lord had given them. They approached the walled, battle-hardened city of Jericho, and then the Lord gave the battle strategy [Josh. 6:2–5].”
Christians gathered in D.C. to pray in organized teams around the nation’s capital for seven days (from Jan. 14–20). Various ministries giving leadership to each day of the prayerwalk included National Day of Prayer, Aglow, and Capitol Prayer Partners.
The prayer efforts then culminated in a “mighty shout” during the applause following President Trump’s taking the oath of office on January 20. IFA encouraged believers around the country to do the same thing as they watched the Inauguration ceremony live on television. Hundreds of intercessors also joined on a national prayer call during the Inauguration—and then shouted simultaneously after the oath for “spiritual walls to be destroyed at that moment.”
“For too long, our adversary has built mighty walls around our elected officials in Washington,” says Kubal. Intercessors were encouraged to declare “the coming presence of our Lord and destruction of the walls of protection around those who oppose Him.”
Intercessors for America also launched a website and initiative on January 20 called “Pray for America’s Leaders” that provides a sign-up process and resources to pray for leaders and upcoming legislation.