Wales is known for a revival in 1904 that resulted in perhaps 100,000 converts to faith in Jesus Christ. But stirrings of God during recent months at Victory Church in Cwmbran, South Wales, have given hope that another move of God is perhaps coming to that nation. Although leaders of the church are reticent to call what is happening today a “revival,” they recognize there is a “distinct upturn in the spiritual temperature.”
Victory Church was started three years ago by Pastor Richard Taylor, who first encountered God while in prison. After his release from prison, he gave his life to Christ and was freed from his drug habit. Today he leads Victory Church and other ministries that provide support for addicts, former convicts, and the socially disadvantaged. The church continues to grow and now meets on several campuses.
In April 2013, Taylor was preaching from the Book of Esther, and invited congregation members to bring their needs to the Lord. He began praying for an older man who had been disabled in a car accident. Unable to walk and confined to a wheelchair, the man began moving his legs, then stood—and finally lifted his wheelchair above his head to celebrate his healing. Faith was ignited in people as they offered more prayer for healing. Some people began to receive spontaneous healings, including people who were set free from drug and alcohol addictions.
Leaders consulted with each other and decided to continue the meetings. The presence of God continued to linger in the church. In the coming months, more than 900 people were converted to Christ. People began coming from around the region, and even other countries. A group of pastors from Korea had come to Wales prior to the stirrings, believing they were to pray for another outpouring of God’s Spirit. They wanted to acknowledge that the spiritual revival in their own nation was the result of a Welsh missionary who came to Korea and was martyred as he brought the gospel message. The Koreans were convinced they were to keep praying for revival in Wales until it arrived.
Prior to this move of God, a pastor in the United States had encouraged Taylor to pursue more of the presence of God. In the months to follow, Taylor personally prayed over each member of the church, from the youngest to the oldest, asking for more of God in their lives.
More of this story can be found at
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