Fueling Prayer for America

It certainly feels like a “duh” to have to say that motivation is a key to pray for America—or anything for that matter. But as prayer leaders and church leaders, now is the time to motivate your people toward more prayer for the nation.

I remember back to September 2001, where starting with the night of the 11th, churches all across the country had prayer meetings focused on the tragic events of that day. People—including believers—were shaken out of their comfort zones. They did not know how to respond, other than to pray. They were motivated enough to pray, that they forgot about their usually more important activities, and they forgot about their discomfort at praying with others.

Church prayer meetings were packed . . . for a week or two. Then we found our resolve as a nation, set on a path or action and prayer (at least for the many) went by the wayside. Motivation was the key factor here.

No one has to look farther than social media, the news, or out their front door to realize that America is in trouble. Desperation is a strong motivator. With an upcoming presidential election, tensions are high! But prayer is on the increase as well.

Fuel the Motivated

As a catalyst for prayer in your church and community, I encourage you use that desperation as fuel for prayer.


Most people—even if they might desire to pray—do not, without someone making it simple for them, and reminding them to pray.

1. Give them prayer guides.

There are a number of great scripture-based guides you can put in their hands to fuel their prayers.

Engage your church in an all-church prayer initiative using the new 31-day devotional prayer guide, We Declare by Dave Kubal of Intercessors for America. This non-partisan guide is highly focused on current issues facing our nation. Each day has prayer points and action steps for your people. I recommend praying through it at some point prior to the election.

2. Use Current Events.

Almost daily people are hit with disconcerting news, so much so that we become numb to it. If you or your church has a Facebook page or social media pages/group, I would encourage you to use it if you can for prayer. When something happens—such as the selection of a new supreme court justice, or a tragedy hits the news—send some Scripture-based prayer points and even prayers around to your group to pray.

If something is major enough that it has everyone thinking and talking about, why not have a prayer time in your Sunday morning worship service that focuses on the event.

3. Point them to good prayer articles/blogs.

Use email and social media to lead people to good articles and blog topics on the internet. Most websites and blog sites have a share function. Send it with your recommendation to those in your sphere of influence. Post a recommendation and link to an article or blog you like on your facebook page.

Get a subscription to Prayer Connect magazine so you can read and share both from current issues and from its archives of more than 500 articles and ideas on prayer, including many related to praying for the nation, your state or community.

4. Disciple your people where they are.

A part of motivating people to pray for a nation or government, people need to understand the power and effect of prayer. If a person does not understand what prayer does and why it is important to pray beyond fix it prayers in his or her own life, that person will not pray regularly for the nation. It is therefore also important to disciple your people in prayer itself.

If you have influence in your church to offer training in prayer—Sunday school classes, a small group topic, etc—take it seriously. Work to put key training resources into the hands of your people that will motivate them and grow them in prayer itself. I recommend:

Love to PrayPray the Word for Your ChurchDo It Again, Lord!

We are at a key time in the history of our nation. Nothing short of a fresh move of God–revival in the church and spiritual awakening in the nation—can turn the tide. Our people are desperate—and are hungry to learn to pray more effectively. Let’s step up, prayer leaders.

–Jonathan Graf is the Publisher of PrayerShop Publishing and the President of the Church Prayer Leaders Network. His heart beats to see revival and spiritual awakening and to help churches disciple their people in prayer.

Check out the Pray for America resource section at prayershop.org.