You may have heard by now or read the news article on page 8 (“National Day of Prayer Accepts Ministry Acquisition”) that Prayer Connect is part of the gift that Harvest Prayer Ministries recently gave to the National Day of Prayer Task Force (NDOP). You might be wondering, How will this affect my subscription and the magazine?
Your Subscription
First, rest assured that the details of your paid subscription remain the same. Your renewal date doesn’t change. The magazine will still be delivered as it has been. Since our websites are also a part of the gift to NDOP, you will renew your subscription and look at back issues of the magazine in the same place.
You will still hear Joanne’s cheery voice if you call our phone numbers since Joanne and I are also becoming employees of the National Day of Prayer Task Force.
Look and Content of the Magazine
There will be some changes here, but you will still recognize the magazine you read and love! Our editor Carol Madison and art director Bridget Rennie remain with the magazine. The team that currently plans each issue will also remain intact, but we will add another member from the NDOP staff to this team.
You will notice the NDOP logo or name in a few places where Harvest Prayer Ministries has been: the masthead, in some ads, and on the back cover in the “mail to” window.
Editorially, the magazine will continue to cover the broad gamut of prayer and be a resource that encourages, disciples, inspires, and challenges our readers to grow prayer in their lives and churches. But because the new mission of the NDOP is to raise up “unified, public prayer for America,” you will likely see more content—ideas, news, a column on revival and awakening, and articles—that deal with praying for the nation. We will also devote one issue per year (probably January) to the theme of the upcoming National Day of Prayer.
There are no plans to make Prayer Connect the “house organ” of the NDOP. The NDOP has been challenged by its board to broaden its ministry into being about more than just one day, but to use its influence to help individuals and churches grow in prayer so the Church can become a strong, unified voice for revival and spiritual awakening.
Prayer Connect Will Grow!
I am so excited by this acquisition! The days we are in dictate that ministries and churches stop ministering in their own “silos” and work together in unity to grow the Kingdom. Our decision to join NDOP is largely due to that belief.
Together we can reach ten times the people we currently do. Besides the great ministry blessing, this will mean greater health and life for Prayer Connect!
–Jonathan Graf