Issue 48 PDF
Here is a PDF of this complete issue of Prayer Connect. This is only for...
Prayer for the Glory of God
Introduction Several years ago, about 200 people gathered in my church’s worship...
One Prayer to Bind Them All
Seeking the Glory of Christ Transforms Every Other Way You Pray By...
Beholding Jesus
Prayers of Fascination and Intimacy By Cristina Baker I was standing at...Issue 48 Extras
For Further Reading Check out some additional articles on blogs and websites...
Look Up, and Up the Prayer
When the Decision Isn’t Yours to Make By Joan Sherman Military life...
The Challenge of Adoration Prayer
Most Holy, Righteous and Eternal God, our Heavenly Father. Once again, O God,...
When Cursed, We Can Bless
In December 2021, I was in the hospital with a family member....
Prayer that Brings Glory to God
By Kim Butts The Westminster Shorter Catechism asks and answers many questions...
“Take-Action” Prayer
By Thomas Bush We have important appointments, so we prepare to be...
National Prayer Leaders Gather in Hollywood
Leaders of the Hollywood Prayer Network (HPN) believe that “through prayer for...
Missionaries Staged Daring Escape in Haiti
The final 12 of the 17 Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) missionaries who...
Supreme Court to Hear Case of Praying Coach
Joe Kennedy, assistant coach for the Bremerton, WA, high school football team,...
Nepal Pastor Sentenced for Prayer to Heal COVID
A court in Nepal sentenced a pastor to two years in prison...