Issue 56 PDF
Here is a PDF of this complete issue. Normally, this is only accessible to...
Nations in Turmoil
Biblical Prayers in Troubling Times The long-beloved Christmas carol describing an idyllic...
Conquering the Fear of Lengthening Shadows
Eyes Fixed on Jesus in Troubling Times By Kay Horner The church...
Issue 56 Study Guide
Here is a simple guide, complete with discussion questions, that an individual...
Rethinking Prayer Failures
Not All Pray-ers Look Alike By Janet Holm McHenry The speaker was...
Prayer Affects the Heart
In that moment, we were praying over the new families that had...
Getting Unstuck in Your Prayer Life
By Dana Olson Feeling stuck in your prayer life? Same old, same...
Praying for Elected Officials
By Gloria Robles We are in no small need of prayers for...
Contemplating Communion
The observance of the Lord’s Supper is one of the few occasions...
When You Feel Helpless to Help
Standing at a nearby clothing rack, I wanted to intervene. But I...