Issue 42–PDF
Here is a PDF of this complete issue of Prayer Connect. This is only for...
Motivating Prayer in the Local Church
Theme Introduction “This is the best day of my life!” I laughed,...
Rally Cry for Prayer
The Role of Pastors and Leaders in Motivating People By Daniel Henderson...
Tapping into Passion and Desperation
Using Crises to Build Prayer Foundations By Michael Catt There are seasons...
Attracting and Engaging the Next Generation
By Cheryl Sacks No church can be truly “prayer saturated” without the...
The Influence of a Leader
Motivational Tips to Move a Congregation to Pray By Jonathan Graf As...Issue 42 Extras
Check out some additional articles on blogs and websites related to “Motivating...
Seeking God through Suffering
Crying Out to God with a Kingdom Perspective By Heather Hagstrom When...
Reimagine Prayer as Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Wider-spread
By Phil Miglioratti The Bible was written to change our lives; not...
Lord, Make Us One
Prayers Toward Racial Healing Fires of racial tension have been ignited in our...
Getting Down to Business
Getting Down to Business Every Tuesday morning I meet with four others...
Prayerwalk Your Favorite Campus Virtually
For several years, my alma mater in St. Paul, MN, hosted a...
Young People Turning to Prayer During Pandemic
A new study finds 39 percent of students say that during the...
San Diego Unites in Prayer During Unrest
Thousands of people from 135 churches hit the streets of San Diego...
Central Georgia Awakening Draws Thousands
For several weeks during summer 2020, thousands of people gathered in the...