Students Host Prayer, Bible Reading on Fields

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) encourages students across the nation to gather on school football fields to pray, read the Bible, and “open up their lives to Christ.”

Since these Fields of Faith events began in 2004, more than 120,000 people have either professed faith in Christ or recommitted their lives to Him, according to Jeff Martin, FCA executive director of Ministry Advancement.

The main goal of these events is for the nation to experience a great spiritual awakening. “In many communities, Fields of Faith is the main or only event that is able to physically unite the community (church denominations, campus organizations, schools, businesses, parents, teams) around one cause,” says Martin. “In a culture that is becoming more fragmented by the day, people are amazed when they walk into those stadiums and see something so abnormal. It gives communities hope and courage to live out their faith.”

Some schools that hosted a Fields of Faith event saw tremendous impact. A gathering at Texas Tech University’s football stadium drew an attendance of more than 10,000, according to Martin.

“We hope to unleash an army of true disciples who daily connect to God in His Word and prayer and obey Him no matter what,” he says. “From the student leaders who take on the responsibility to bring Fields of Faith to their communities to the skeptical or hurting teen who might be attending for the first time, we see time and again that Fields of Faith motivates, energizes, rejuvenates, and unites. Jesus takes hold of lives right there on the athletic fields, and we are continually amazed at what He does each year in young people’s lives.”

–Jenny Rose Spaudo, adapted from Charisma News .