Issue 49 PDF
Here is a PDF of this complete issue of Prayer Connect. This is only for...
The Lord’s Prayer
Fresh Ways to Embrace Jesus’ Teaching My childhood church was not liturgical...
A Revolutionary Teaching
Praying into the “Our” of Our Father By David Chotka We say...
Forgive All Offenses
The Power of the Forgotten Line By Jody Mayhew Our first session...
Linger Beyond “Grab and Go” Confessions
As Christians, we’re called to confession and repentance. To keep short accounts...
3 Ways Your Church Can Pray Your Kids Back to School
In just a few days, children and youth in our nation will...
Reclaim a Generation with Prayer
The Lord has a great plan for this emerging generation—they will take...
When a Prayer Leader Struggles
By Betsy Lee “A prayerful Christian is a powerful Christian,” said Billy...
Hollywood Singer Prays with Congress Members
Steve Amerson is known as the vocalist behind some of the most...
Atheists Demand End to Congress Presence at National Prayer Breakfast
Atheist activists are calling on Congressional members to halt participation in the...
Native American Tribes Experience Revival
In some respects, the plight of Native Americans hasn’t changed. They face...